Republican Senators Oppose FCC’s Proposed Net Neutrality Regulations
October 7, 2023 | by Kaju

Several dozen Republican senators are opposing the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) push for internet regulation. After Democrats gained a majority on the commission last month, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel revived the push for “net neutrality” rules for broadband internet access. The Republican senators, backed by the Trump administration, view the return of net neutrality rules as unnecessary and aggressive regulation that expands the federal government’s powers beyond its limits.
The senators argued that imposing heavy-handed regulations on the internet would hinder the progress made since 2017 and lead to reduced competition, choice, investment, slower speeds, and higher prices. They also claimed that the FCC lacks the statutory authority to regulate broadband internet access.
On the other hand, Democrats argue that a world without net neutrality regulations poses risks to national security, cybersecurity, network reliability, privacy, and broadband deployment. According to Chairwoman Rosenworcel, removing the rules has not been harmless, and she emphasized the importance of reinstating them.
Ms. Rosenworcel recently shared her plan to restore the internet rules with her colleagues, and the FCC is scheduled to address the proposal at a meeting on October 19th. However, the Republican senators, led by Senators Ted Cruz and John Thune, urge the FCC to prioritize addressing waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government’s broadband subsidy programs instead of focusing on net neutrality.
The senators emphasized that the absence of public-utility regulations for the internet is not a significant challenge facing the country. They believe that the FCC’s rulemaking has become hyper-partisan and politicized and that other issues demand greater attention.
This article is based on wire service reports.
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